Mumbai recently launched a massive cleanup drive
in an effort to roll in the renewal of the city. This is the vision
of Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh, who, as demolition squads launch
into a frenzy of activity, said, “every Chief Minister likes
to be remembered, and I’m no exception.” A chance at
immortality is hard to pass up and throughout history, kings and
emperors sought to be remembered through the cities they left behind.
But perhaps Deshmukh is already assured a certain kind of immortality
in the minds of the 3 million people who will be displaced as a
result of his ‘cleanup’.
Mumbai today, is tottering under the impending collapse of its
antiquated infrastructure. One of the richest cities, often referred
to as the ‘financial capital of the country’, it alone
contributes about 40 percent of the nation’s taxes, yet
it has completely failed to invest back into the city. As people
throng to this metropolis of hope, it watches, and appears to
be completely helpless in the face of this invasion, unable to
keep pace with the influx.
Currently, 62 percent of Mumbai’s population lives in slums.
About 18 lakh slum dwellings, home to 9 million people, proliferate
across the city. After 1995 was declared as the cut-off date for
legalising slums, there was a 25 percent jump in their number;
as a result, 4.5 lakh shanties are now illegal. So far, about
72,000 slum dwellings have been razed by a galvanised administration.
Yet no such zeal seems to have been forthcoming regarding the
rehabilitation of the displaced and dispossessed. “They
will have to go back home,” said Deputy Chief Minister R.R.
Patil. How does the Government delude itself into believing that
the simple act of demolition of slums will magically order the
city? The ‘slum population’ has not gone anywhere;
they are still there, invisible workers by day and bone tired
ghosts by night, collapsing on any available surface. Where are
they expected to go? To return to the wrenching torment and poverty
of the wastelands they fled from?
On his recent visit to Mumbai the Prime Minister expressed the
hope that the vast numbers of the dispossessed would be “relocated
properly” and stressed the need for “development with
a human face”. On another occasion he had rued the deplorable
condition of our cities, saying that Indian cities have to be
made “more liveable”: “We have to take steps
to enable people who work in the city to be able to live away
from it. This can only be made possible with rapid public transport.”
In Mumbai, average peak-hour loading of trains is in excess of
4500 passengers per train compared to a ‘design capacity’
of 1800 per train and ‘crush load capacity’ of 2600
per train. Despite this inhuman state of affairs, the Mumbai Urban
Transport Project has been pending for 17 years! How did Singh
imagine that the administration would even manage to do right
by the people whose homes had been demolished?
The commonly used expression in describing cities as ‘engines
of growth’ often ignores the fact that the slums, the shanty
towns burgeoning across the city, are the fuel that powers that
engine; without them there would be very little growth. According
to one estimate, 35 percent of the population living in urban
areas contributes over 60 percent of the country’s net domestic
product. It is the tenacity and determination of the individuals
who live in these hell holes that plays a large part in contributing
to this development. Just one slum, Dharavi, in Mumbai generates
business worth nearly $ 1 billion each year, as local workshops
produce leather goods, pottery, jewellery, most of which are exported
to the West.
It seems that all that plagues planning can solely be blamed
on the fact that the authorities always seem to wake up to a problem
twenty years too late. If basic housing needs cannot be met, it
is nothing but an administrative failure. Today, there is an acute
housing crisis in the country. In the urban sector alone, the
supply-demand gap is about 17 million units. Over 90 percent of
the housing demand is from low-income families and the growth
of slums is the direct consequence of this shortage. Every year
the number of their residents grows at the rate of 9 to 10 percent
and more than 25 percent of them are home based workers, mostly
women. Penalizing these people, driving them as cattle, ‘relocating’
or flinging them on the outskirts of the city, simply because
of woefully inadequate planning policies, amounts not only to
a stupendous miscarriage of justice, but to a totally skewed economic
logic as well. The establishment, which has no qualms about projecting
itself as the injured, is actually the aggressor in failing to
fulfil its basic duties towards its citizens and instead doubling
their distress.
Under the current ‘Mumbai makeover’ the Government
claims to have cleared 300 acres but remains silent on the issue
of ‘rehabilitation’ of the 3.5 lakh people who have
been displaced so far. Slum rehabilitation programmes in Mumbai,
have had a disastrous past. Under an ambitious plan launched by
the then Government in December 1997, 200,000 homes were to be
built by the end of 1999. Appallingly, at the end of March 2001,
only 7,461 tenements were ready for occupation. The report of
the S.S. Tinaikar Committee exposed this programme to be ‘nothing
but a fraud, designed to enrich Mumbais powerful construction
Against this backdrop of ineptitude and complete breakdown of
accountability is another time, when the state did not sit and
make glib excuses and twiddle its thumbs. At the time of Partition,
Delhi witnessed one of the largest immigrations in human history.
The city, with a population of about 900,000, received almost
470,000 refugees. 1941-1951 was a period of the highest demographic
growth in the history of the capital; from 700,000 inhabitants
in 1941 to 1.79 million in 1951, corresponding to an annual growth
rate of 7.5 percent, which has not been equalled since. (Mumbai’s
annual rate of growth, by comparison, was under 2 percent between
1981- 2001). There was no administrative infrastructure and certainly
no urban systems in place to deal with this unprecedented crisis.
Against this backdrop of unmitigated suffering, Prime Minister
Jawaharlal Nehru called for the immediate creation of the Ministry
of Relief and Rehabilitation. By December 1950, three lakh refugees
had been housed. By 1952, virtually the entire backlog had been
cleared. A large number of shops and commercial establishments,
along with educational institutions were also created. The satellite
township of Faridabad was remodelled to absorb part of the influx.
The drive and determination of men like Nehru, their complete
focus on problem-solving, made it possible to translate chaos
into calm and stability.
Today, with an annual budget that far surpasses the revenues
available at the time of Partition, we are witness to a spiralling
urban chaos, as the collective administrations of urban India
are unable or unwilling to focus with resolve and dedication on
restoring order. “Mumbai should become another Shanghai,”
said the Prime Minister. Perhaps that is the problem; the solution
to creating great cities lies, not in attempts at imitating the
chaotic, architectural follies of other countries; instead, it
is time to recover the focussed commitment that helped sort out
problems of a far more complex nature than those that confront
us today, and just concentrate on getting the job done.
Chitvan Gill
Published in The Pioneer, February 14, 2005