The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has taken fifty years of
so-called ‘planning efforts’ to realize that a city
survives on the basis of infrastructure, on the quantum and condition
of its roads, sewers, supply lines and disposal systems. On all
fronts, the only function that has been served by their preparation
of MPD2021 has been a comprehensive realization of an ecological
and systemic crisis. Our tap-water is unclean, only 70% of the
population is serviced by 130kms of sewers that are mostly wrecked
and choked, there are mountains of garbage in our landfills and
hillocks of the same on every street, and the Yamuna, our main
source of water, is so polluted that we are, to put it mildly,
defecating on ourselves.
But the DDA, while recognizing that “availability of, and
accessibility to basic infrastructure facilities [is] a key issue
related to the sustainable development of Delhi, and a minimum
quality and standard of living,” quickly passes the buck
to the Government of the National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD)
which, it advises, “should prepare a detailed and integrated
plan in coordination with concerned authorities, NGOs and community
groups.” If such a plan still awaits preparation and if
it is the GNCTD that should prepare it, then what exactly is the
purpose of DDA’s Master Plan for Delhi 2021?
Reluctant to take responsibility for their failures, the DDA
dedicate most of their chapter on “Physical Infrastructure”
to the presentation of data extracted from “Perspective
Plans of Physical Infrastructure” submitted by various agencies
and departments of GNCTD: a ‘plan’ for water supply
by the Delhi Jal Board (DJB); sewerage, also by the DJB; power,
by Delhi Transco Limited; and solid waste, by the Municipal Corporation
of Delhi (MCD). The fact that the responsibility for planning
the future is returned to the hands of the very agencies who have
sat by while “significant deficiencies” have developed
in our infrastructure is a cause for worry. The privatization
of electricity distribution and the proposed privatization of
generation will most likely be able to streamline the electricity
scenario, but DDA cannot lay claims to that success. Collusion
between its remaining cohorts, all of whom have a vested monetary
interest in the outcome of the planning exercise, cannot meet
the standards of transparency and due process that would be expected
of a workable master plan. The whole exercise of MPD2021 cries
out for independent review.
(Mis)Understanding Needs
The most dangerous—for the public good—aspect of
DDA’s disastrous infrastructure ‘plan’ is their
failure to comprehend the complexity of the task itself. As if
transportation systems are defined by cars and buses rather than
the roads they run on, the DDA dedicates a separate chapter to
them, creating a basic flaw in the overall logic of the master
plan. You cannot talk about managing drainage without considering
roads; garbage disposal cannot be addressed without considering
how garbage trucks can move through the city at the right time
(presently, trucks carry their foul loads through the city uncannily
timed with the morning rush-hour); and the entire sewerage system
works on the calculation of levels that are also determined by
the construction of roads and built-up areas.
In order to deal with the infrastructural problems of Delhi,
the DDA will first have to find ways to understand those problems,
which means that they will have to master the very notions of
complexity and holistic thinking. Given that very little has really
been achieved beyond piecemeal development and intermittent management
of crises, the prospects of planning for 2021 have assumed a staggering
scale. If the task of coordinated design of infrastructure for
Delhi, which is in shambles, is to be undertaken with a decent
chance of success, it will entail the following:
A three-dimensional mapping of the whole city, which will reveal
the mind-boggling interconnections and overlaps of natural features—hills,
rivers, nallah’s, ponds & tanks, aquifers, forests,
ravines—with man-made features like settlements, underground
and over-ground building complexes, water tanks, communications
towers, wells, waterworks, sewage treatment plants, biogas plants,
composting sites and landfills, and all of these enmeshed in vast
networks of water supply pipes, return waste water pipes, biogas
lines, CNG gas pipelines, LPG gas pipelines, sewer pipes, electrical
supply cables, distribution lines, roads, highways, railways and
waterways. This much is simply the mapping of the infrastructure
as such. To understand whether and how it works and to design
it efficiently, the entire complex web will then have to be studied
along with the users, which means that the DDA, or whichever agency
is bold enough to undertake the task, will then have to overlay
the movements of commuters, students, businessmen, shoppers, patients,
travellers, suppliers, transporters, maintenance personnel and
waste-disposers, and their distribution into pedestrian, cycle,
car, bus, truck, rail, air, and even water traffic.
Given that the task of preparing a master plan is essentially
one of understanding and managing complex information sets, the
DDA’s failure to do this properly indicates gross illiteracy
and incomprehension as well as profound ignorance. This is despite
the fact that DDA has ostensibly used GIS (Geographical Information
Systems) to prepare the MPD2021, for which, it claims, “a
whopping budget of Rs. 350 lakh has been made available.”
If, as the DDA claims, it has a dedicated Computer Aided Design
(CAD) Centre and MPD2021 is fully computerised—although
their land-use plan is filled-in with pencil colours—and
if satellite imagery is being used to map Delhi, then it is unacceptable
by any standards that the DDA has churned out such an inadequate
master plan.
Transporting Utopia
On the transportation front, it is a widely known fact—and
DDA does not need to draft a master plan to make us aware of it—that
the growth in numbers of vehicles on the roads has far surpassed
the capacity of our roads and public transport is inadequate,
that there is indiscriminate misuse of roads for parking, encroachment
and unloading and storage of goods, and that the scenario is only
getting worse. But the statement of problems is quite apart from
the treatment of rising “per capita trip rates” and
the general growth in movement as a bad thing, rather than recognizing
that, despite a good percentage of trips being frivolous, it indicates
the growing prosperity and productivity of the city.
The DDA’s “strategy” for the future involves
a multi-modal system combining road and rail systems and it plans
to “explore other options and possibilities” like
Light Rail/Tramway/Mono-rail systems, but inadequate thinking
only allows it to state the obvious, that the Delhi Metro will
become a lifeline for the city, even if “major dependence
will continue to be on Bus Transport.” It wrongly criticizes
the use of cycle-rickshaws because “unlimited and unrestricted
use of this mode has a direct relationship with migration into
the city and the phenomenon of JJ Clusters/Slums,” contradicting
its own objective of finding non-polluting modes of transport,
disregarding their vital contribution to meeting the needs of
the existing city, and their indispensability in critical areas
like the walled city.
The DDA claims that “the need of the hour” is to
have a unified Metropolitan Transport Authority but doesn’t
explain why, when it was first proposed in 1981—it must
also have been “need of the hour” then—it is
still to become a reality after two decades. It speaks about air
transportation but only with respect to two airports, whereas
several more are needed and are already proposed for the National
Capital Region. It recognizes that 75% of the rail transport through
Delhi is commuters but doesn’t ask why the 43 railway stations
in the city are so inaccessible, even though almost a million
people use them every day, that most of the local population doesn’t
even know the Ring Railway exists. At the same time, the DDA does
not hesitate to seize an opportunity for creating more buildings
by suggesting “intensive land use” around the Anand
Parbat, INA Colony, Pusa Institute and Kirti Nagar stations, without
explaining the basis for selection. Perhaps it has its eyes on
the large tracts of land lying unused around these stations, but
the impact of intensive land use on the traffic situation in the
surrounding areas does not seem to concern the DDA.
While it claims that “roads already occupy 21 percent of
the total area of the city, which clearly limits the potential
for increase in road length” (which is already over 30,000
kms), the DDA does not hesitate to make the “expansion and
restructuring of the existing network through expressways, arterial
roads, elevated distributors and relief roads” one of its
prime objectives. The majority of transportation in 2021 is expected
to be public transport, but the expansion of the road network
is mostly based on the growth of private vehicles. This undisclosed
bias is evident in other aspects like parking as well. The DDA
refers to a report submitted to the Supreme Court by the Environment
Pollutions (Preventive and Control) Authority, in which “it
was suggested that the approach should be focused more on demand
management (restricting vehicle numbers) through parking control
and pricing rather than only on increasing of supply of parking
in the face of growing demand,” but it does not hesitate
to propose new parking lost everywhere and to even create provisions
for enhanced parking in markets and housing. It is even willing
to give extra FAR to private developers who build parking lots.
The most glaring oversight in MPD2021 is regarding the potential
to use containerization as a system for creating an integrated
and efficient system for movement of goods through the city. By
force of habit, DDA allocates lands for the construction of “integrated
freight complexes” and warehouses, but it fails to understand
the importance of working out a complete system, from the arrival
of cargo and freight by containers—which is increasingly
becoming a universal system—to the delivery of the containers
to warehouses and depots, to the transfer of containers to smaller
transition points in the city or directly to markets, and the
transfer of unloaded goods to other carriers. Although copious
pages are devoted to markets, the movement of goods is essential
to finding a solution to the problem of inefficiency in the system,
where delivery of goods is constantly delayed and goods unable
to reach destinations without damages. The DDA has not even begun
to address the need for a curtailment of raw goods like fruits
and vegetables, which create enormous amounts of garbage and are
cumbersome to transport, through the promotion of processed foods
and packaging. Instead, more fruits & vegetables markets are
Unfinished Homework
MPD2021 is monumental proof of the DDA’s chronic inadequacy
and reluctance to be efficient. There is discrepancy even in the
standard assumptions used for calculation of requirements. For
example, the DJB calculates the demand for potable water in 2021
@ 60 gpcd (gallons per capita per day) whereas the DDA calculates
it @ 80 gpcd. The huge difference of 460MGD (million gallons per
day) between the requirement of 1380 MGD projected by the DJB
and 1840 MGD projected by DDA doesn’t seem to bother the
authors of the master plan. Such unexplained differences abound,
and we find the DJB claiming that the total sewage generated,
calculated by DDA as 1012 MGD, “seems to be on the lower
side” because—in keeping with standard logic—most
of the water supplied, to the tune of 1840 MGD, regardless of
whether it is potable or non-potable, will end up as waste water.
It reproduces parking norms stipulated in MPD-2001, which it
has not bothered to modify, despite its own admission that “the
norms themselves appear to be considerably on the lower side,”
and “actual experience” shows that people do not stick
to the norms and use public space indiscriminately for parking.
The disturbing suggestion here is that all the “development
controls” that the DDA has included in MPD2021, which occupy
almost 25% of the document, have parking standards that are outdated
and unworkable!
While the DDA is busy quoting figures and constructing an elaborate
mirage of a future under control, the other agencies are not so
sure. The DJB claims that the only relief from Delhi’s water
scarcity lies in the construction of three dam projects: the Renuka
Dam project in Himachal Pradesh, the Kishau Dam project on the
River Tons in Uttaranchal, and the Lakhwar Vyasi dam on the River
Yamuna, also in Uttaranchal. The progress on these projects is
uncertain and cannot be relied upon. As for ground-water, “there
is no further scope” for augmenting the supply of sub-surface
water “due to lack of both quantity and quality”.
The DJB claims that there is scope for pumping water from the
banks of the Yamuna further downstream from Delhi in the NCR,
but this is again conditional to the cooperation of the neighbouring
states. Witnessing the rapid and uncontrolled depletion of ground
water, it deems it necessary to control this resource and has
even formulated a draft bill, the Delhi Water Board (Amendment)
Act, and awaits its promulgation. What effect this will have on
the streamlining of infrastructure management can only be surmised,
but the DDA does not seem to be interested in the issue.
The DDA’s absolute incapability to meet the challenges
of their work is best illustrated by the wastage of over 800crores
that were sanctioned for the first phase of the Yamuna Action
Plan to clean up the river, without, as noted by the Comptroller
and Auditor General’s office, anything being achieved. That
its intentions for the river are neither clear nor for the greater
public good is easily demonstrated by their wishy-washy acceptance
of “the need to improve the quality of river-water, to secure
its continuous flow and to encourage the return of aquatic life,”
which needs improvement of drainage, waste water treatment and
pollution abatement, while at the same time pushing its Redevelopment
Plan for the Yamuna, a secretive operation that is already resulting
in unpredictable development of the river bed on either bank.
If they are committed to cleaning up the river, they are certainly
reluctant to act on it.
On the issue of solid waste management, figures are being thrown
about and needs projected, when in fact “the garbage from
unauthorized developments, slums, JJ settlements, etc is not collected”;
which presents the shocking proposition that half of the garbage
production in this city is unaccounted for. How can the projections
for the next two decades be made without finding out this quantity?
The complacency about waste disposal is shocking considering DDA’s
own admission that “finding new sanitary landfill sites
in Delhi is becoming extremely difficult.” Yet it still
finds it necessary to list 16 landfills that are already exhausted
with 4 others that are in operation at present and only 4 more
that have been identified but not confirmed.
The “grossly inadequate” sewerage system in Delhi,
which provides proper coverage only to 55% of the population,
is another cause for grave worry. But the DDA disregards this
even in critical areas like the walled city, which it has targeted
for densification through the policy of mixed land-use, despite
the DJB’s observation that “new sewerage lines can
not be laid and the existing sewer lines have to be desilted and
rehabilitated.” The 28 trunk sewers of the city, 130 kms
in length, and the 6000 kms of peripheral and internal sewers,
are mostly 40-60 years old and in dire need of rehabilitation.
In the appendices to the master Plan, there is a letter to DDA
from DJB, dated 11th June 2004, stating that the storm water drainage
system is “woefully outdated” and its inadequacy (as
every citizen of Delhi knows well) “is highlighted every
year during rains.” The DJB claims that the DDA has not
bothered to finalize “run off norms” for the city.
This is crucial in order to manage drainage because the flow of
water in the drains work is controlled by gravity, which means
that the levels of drains, roads, building sites and pavements
are of critical importance. The DJB notes that the last Master
Plan for storm water drainage in Delhi was prepared in 1976 for
urbanization limits upto the year 1981, and a revised master plan
for storm water drainage “needs to be prepared immediately”
but the DDA completely disregards this matter in MPD2021.
The DDA’s attention is as usual on building more sewage
treatment plants (STP’s), pumping stations and common effluent
treatment plants and its answer to sustainable use of water is
to introduce a dual supply of treated water and potable water
to every home, regardless of the scale of operations entailed.
As if Delhi can wait till alternatives are found, the DDA even
directs the DJB to “explore the possibility of reclamation
of sewage water” on the lines of a Singapore-based company
by going through a pilot project of 6 MGD at the Okhla STP and
hopes that “if it is found techo-economically feasible”,
then large-scale reclamation of sewage water can be taken up in
If the DDA bothered to do its homework well, MPD2021 could in
fact be a success, but that is a tall order for our mediocre agency.
Even the scanty references to successful experiments find marginal
space in the document, whereas they could have been forcefully
promoted. A glaring example of this is found in a barely noticeable
passage about the 1440 Lacs cubic feet of Bio-Gas which was generated
from the Okhla Sewage Treatment Plant and was supplied to residents
having sewage gas connection in adjacent colonies. Revenue of
Rs. 32,00,000 was collected. Bio-Gas Engines at the new sewage
treatment plants in Rithala were commissioned in September 2002
to generate electricity for operating the plants and were able
to effect a saving of Rs. 35,00,000 per month in the electricity
bill. Despite being successful experiments in an alternative and
by-product fuel-source, these do not become integral to the master
Radical Lifestyles
Finding alternatives to existing wasteful systems is the only
option for the future. This requires a complete rethinking of
paradigms and a shift towards a new style of urban living that
can be sustainable, because the style that is being followed today
is patently unsustainable. Throughout MPD2021, DDA has inserted
vignettes of wisdom obviously borrowed plagiarized from other
reports and studies because they bear no resemblance to the stated
objectives or the strategies ostensibly being adopted for planning
the future of Delhi. Almost every aspect of infrastructure requires
radical changes in lifestyle, but DDA is only able to state the
changes, not to plan for them.
It is now widely accepted wisdom in all countries of the world
that the answer does not lie in endlessly enhancing the capacity
for waste disposal but instead on finding effective strategies
for a drastic reduction of waste (eg. over 15% of domestic water
supply is wasted). The DDA is aware of this fact, but rather than
make it a core issue in its strategy for infrastructure, it once
again innocuously states the obvious in the context of landfills:
“there is no option but to resort to alternative and decentralized
methods of waste treatment, reduction, recycle and use, which
include vermiculture, fossilisation and composting.” It
neither explains nor substantiates this observation with specific
provisions, which actually require a complete change in Delhi’s
lifestyle. A similar fate will emerge from such vagueness as suffered
by the colour-coded waste bins that MCD and NDMC have been placing
on our footpaths to promote recycling, without a comprehensive
public information campaign. Most of these bins have lost their
lids, are perpetually tipped over or have simply been whisked
away by enterprising recyclers of plastic waste!
Many of he radical changes are required in the way that human
habitation is planned and constructed. The DDA does not even touch
the issue of wastefully manufactured building materials and inefficient
construction processes, but even the few tactical changes it suggests
have not been adequately tested. It speaks of ‘zero run-off
drainage’, a system where all water that falls to the ground
must be captured and allowed to filter into the ground in order
to recharge groundwater. But its suggestion of “retention
ponds, sediments traps and balancing lakes” and the expectation
that “porous/semi permeable paving” are unlikely to
find any takers simply because builders will not sacrifice their
land for such uses and would rather find ways to commercially
exploit every square inch of their plots, something that, ironically,
the DDA is itself encouraging them to do with its mixed-use redevelopment
policy. In sum, the DDA’s naïve thinking will amount
to nothing, and its proposals that “a green network overlapping
the blue network would protect the ecology of aquifers and also
provide a pleasant environment” will remain what they are:
romantic daydreams.
There are suggestions that have a direct cost implication and
are thus least likely to succeed. “All non-residential buildings
having a discharge of over 10,000 litres a day should incorporate
a wastewater recycling system,” and “for all establishments
with floor area of more than 300 sqm, solar energy should be mandatory.”
There should be “compulsory solar panels for public advertising,
lighting in open areas, public utilities, streets, etc.”
and a “mandatory stipulation of water saving/waterless flushing
system in the Building Bye-laws.” The most expensive item
that forms the mainstay of water-conservation in MPD2021, is the
“dual pipe system”, which “has to be introduced
in a phased manner in all the areas.” In this system, wastewater
from bathrooms is collected in a storage tank and pumped to separate
overhead storage tank and then connect to cisterns in the toilets.
New areas will have one pipe for washing, water coolers and garden
taps and the second for supplying potable water. Given that the
GNCTD is unable to raise the water charges sufficiently nor to
stem the wastage and theft of water is evidence enough that we
are far from being able to effect fundamental changes in thinking.
The final point of its strategy—“Public awareness,
capacity building and training”—needs to be the first.
But DDA will only be able to succeed at this endeavor (if it ever
begins) if it is able to demonstrate that its intentions are for
the common good, and will have to take exhibit its awareness and
concern through every word and page of MPD2021. How far it is
from this goal can be seen in the casual manner in which it mentions
that Delhi should have a “barrier free environment”
where pavements are flat and “free from unnecessary obstacles”
and where “orientation points and guide routes may be provided
for usually disabled people,” as if even a miniscule percent
of this provision exists on the streets of Delhi. Its callousness
is clear when it writes that “information and warning signs
must be understandable, clear and well lit,” when a good
percentage of the disabled population is blind!
Blind Futurism
It should worry the citizens of Delhi that when we desperately
need innovation, MPD2021 is only a compendium of numbers—not
a result of in-house research but borrowed from other agencies—and
DDA’s infrastructure planning is thumb-rule calculation
of built-up areas required for pump houses, transformer rooms,
sewage treatment plants and garbage dhalaos. Rather than being
the means of embedding an alternative lifestyle into the fabric
of the city—through innovative interventions in settlement
design, building construction, modes of transport, and management
systems—the DDA has reduced the task of infrastructure planning
to the dredging of sewers and the filling of reservoirs from unknown
Yet the DDA is aware that a vision for the future exists, that
it can be articulated in terms that we understand today. That
it is aware of the possibilities but does so little to make them
work is, as it were, adding insult to injury. Having borrowed
liberally from other documents, some unsuspecting clerk or junior
engineer in DDA also inserted a passage with the subtitle “Zero-fossil
Energy Development (ZED)”, which spells out a complete ecological
lifestyle and system for the sustainable use of resources. It
is tragic that the description of ZED will remain an unrealized
vision, and a source of mild amusement to those who will read
it and discover the widening gulf between our present and the
future that can be but is unlikely, in the hands of the Delhi
Development Authority.
“The concept of energy efficiency should begin with the
idea of Zero-fossil Energy Development (ZED) which envisages an
urban form and design of passive building envelope that reduce
the demand for power to the point where it becomes economically
viable to use energy from renewable resources. This involves a
holistic approach combining the issues and actions at various
levels of planning, design, construction and maintenance leading
to a sustainable and energy efficient regime. The city geometry,
restructuring and zoning with self-contained neighbourhoods could
minimize the need to travel and substantial saving of recurring
energy/fuel consumption. Integrated mass transport system, traffic
and transit operation and management, better tele-communications,
promoting bicycles and NMV transport, is another major area of
energy efficient habitat. The introduction of energy audit and
design of energy efficient buildings by site planning, heights,
form, construction and materials and reducing energy demand by
passive micro-climatic design approach, intelligent energy controls,
heat recovery, landscape, opening design, furnishings, etc., are
the critical considerations. The key to future is a cybernetic
form of sustainable energy, which integrates symbiosis, recycling
and energy chains.”